Learning Tools Interoperability

Learning Tools Interoperability ImageThe principal concept of LTI is to establish a standard way of integrating rich learning applications with platforms like learning management systems, portals, or other educational 环境.

The idea behind developing LTI is to allow the seamless connection between web-based applications, content or tools to the platforms like management systems, portals or other educational 环境.

External Apps add functionality to a Canvas course. For example, an instructor may want to include a study aid (flashcards, mini-quizzes, etc.)来更好地帮助学生 understand the concepts being taught. 教练可以 locate an LTI compatible tool and align it within the context of the course providing additional learning paths 为学生. 应用程序可以添加到 模块, 课程导航富内容编辑器,以及作业.


This includes a variety of external tools that are Canvas compatible. 这个列表将 be consistently changing as updates are added.